reasons -

1. you found me
2. at times, lost beneath your mouth, ministering
3. wounds I had from others, myself
4. whom above is heavy, solid, a jawbone in the hand, and light like pine
5. clean lined, Scandinavian, clean limbed
6. obvious appreciation of the maleness of my form
7. in the way you moan abstractedly to the pillows in our life
8. sing musicals at bus-stops, annoying
9. canis-blue hued
10. keeping eyes open when we first still kiss
11. “just to watch”
12. the July to now stretch
13. marking the twelve in every month as if some totemic ritual
14. with your allergy of orange and dislike of brown
15. dreaming of sand
16. repeating above
17. your disbelief that lovers would be unkind
18. to me, you digging anchor
19. home
20. because hands held and street kisses are our creation, our claim
21. for once, for all, for selfish reasons
22. your stubble
23. face to face loin-sliding intercourses: again
24. space between
25. the word “us”
26. the nöosphere
27. and “me”


1 comment:

underneath said...

How great that you use Scandivan as a reference!